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Industry News
Forecast of Construction Machinery Industry

Release time:2012/12/10 9:17:30    Author:BICES Organizers

The slowdown of construction machinery industry development since 2011 and the following pressure of industrial readjustment had brought tremendous challenge to 2012. However, the readjustment provided a perfect opportunity for the industry to develop internally and innovatively. It is a period of “improving capacity”.

 On BICES 2013 networking reception in Shanghai, Mr. Su Zimeng, Secretary General of China Construction Machinery Association made a report on industry forecast. According to his report, the national economy situation is stable at the present. Compared to the same period of last year, the volume of export saw a monthly increase of 8.6% in average from May to October. The volume of September increased by 9.9%, up to $186.35 billion,a new high in history.

Internationally, the market demands for construction machinery see an increasing trend. However, the uncertain factors of  international economics are still high, protectionism of international trade becomes more serious than before. Under such a situation, Chinese construction machinery export income only takes a small proportion in the world, much lower than that of USA, European countries, Japan and Korea. Therefore, to realize the globalized service is a must-choice for China construction machinery industry.

 Mr. Su Zimeng said, 2013 will be a recovering period. The Income from key products is estimated to increase by 13%. The growth of export value will be around 20%. In the next few years, we should make efforts to increase the domestic demands, invest the infrastructure and technology innovation to enhance the national economics. At the same time, the implementation of the “National Twelfth Five-Year Plan” will be also a motivation of construction machinery industry.

As a leading construction machinery exhibition, BICES has the responsibility to assist all enterprises to breakthrough difficult period.  Mr. Su Zimeng has high expectations for BICES that it can bring opportunities and motivations to the industry. He said, as an organizer of BICES, CCMA will be concentrating efforts to host BICES 2013, making more contribution to the whole industry.

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